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Food Share Program
Food Share Program
First Baptist Church, Starksboro - every Sunday
Little Free Pantries
Available for emergency access at the First Baptist Church in Starksboro Village (Route 116) AND at the Jerusalem Schoolhouse in South Starksboro (Route 17).
Message from Program Coordinator, December 2022:
On behalf of New Community Project (NCP), we want to thank the community for its support. In 2022, the pandemic's after effects continued to be difficult as many struggled with extreme food and energy costs. In recent months, we've seen an increasing demand on our services. So far, we have been able to meet these ongoing challenges but remain concerned about the year ahead.
In the past year, NCP:
* Distributed 163 food boxes monthly through the Food Share Program located at the First Baptist Church, including 56 food boxes delivered to those without transportation;
* Maintained two Little Free Pantries to provide emergency food access in the village and South Starksboro 24/7;
* Distributed 500 prepared meals a month in partnership with Age Well VT, The Giving Fridge, and the Everyone Eats Program;
* In partnership with the Town, expanded NCP's Food Justice garden into a new, dedicated 7,000 square-foot space with a frost-free irrigation system. The new garden produced 1,700 pounds of vegetables for the Food Share Program;
* Tripled the amount of wood at the Community Woodbank to better prepare for an increase in demand this winter;
* Worked with 139 volunteers – including community members, interns, and service-learning groups – who provided 4,345 hours of service to NCP's programs;
* Diverted 7,500 cubic feet of useable food away from the waste stream in collaboration with Trader Joe's, Middlebury Natural Foods Co-Op, and H.O.P.E.
To all of our volunteers, partners, and donors we thank you for all you do to help make our work in Starksboro possible. Your continued support has been vitally important as we assist even more of our neighbors in these uncertain and changing times.
From all of us at NCP, we wish you a healthy and happy New Year.
Pete Antos-Ketcham
New Community Project