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Town of Starksboro

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission’s mission and responsibilities are defined by State Statute. For details, see VT State Statute Title 24, Chapter 117, Sections 4321-4328 (available online at

The Planning Commission is a policy board that works collaboratively with the community, other municipal boards, and regional/state partners to help define and achieve Starksboro’s vision as expressed in the Town Plan. The board is comprised of 7 members who are elected by the town to serve 3-year terms. 

The role of the Planning Commission is to provide leadership and long-term perspective on community planning matters. This involves public outreach and feedback including holding public hearings, conducting surveys, holding forums, and educating the community about issues facing Starksboro.

Public comment is always encouraged. To request time on the agenda of an upcoming Starksboro PC meeting, contact the Zoning Administrator or PC Chair Dennis Casey



PC Members

Dennis Casey, Chair
David Schmidt, Vice Chair
Dan Kuzio
Luke McCarthy
Dan Nugent

Meeting Schedule

First and third Thursdays of the month
6:30 PM

Meeting Title Meeting Date Sort ascending Agenda File Minutes File
Planning Commission Agenda
Planning Commission - Public Hearing Agenda
Planning Commission Agenda Minutes
Planning Commission Agenda Minutes