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Town Plan
The Planning Commission is responsible for writing the town plan and revising it on a regular cycle per State statute. The Town Plan is used as a basis for guiding planning efforts in Starksboro. It is also used as review criteria in Act 250 and other State regulatory proceedings. The 2018 plan includes an Energy Plan drafted by the PC in consultation
The 2018 Starksboro Town Plan is consistent with the 14 state planning goals established in 24 VSA §4302. It did not alter the town’s land use designations as established in the adopted 2011 Town Plan. The land use plan for Starksboro remains essentially the same with refinements of long-standing community goals and stated policies. Starksboro continues to plan to protect working lands and rural character in most areas of town and maintain the small-scale, historic character of its village centers.
Starksboro Town Plan
Sections include:
1. Introduction – overview, vision, goals
2. About the Plan – planning, compatibility, consistency
3. About Starksboro – history, community resources, natural resources
4. Community Plan – housing, education, land use, and more
5. Energy Plan (new appendix)