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Food Shelf
Receiving Assistance
The Starksboro Food Shelf provides food, including meat, dairy, bread, vegetables and fruits; home goods and personal hygiene products to families who are Starksboro residents. The Food Shelf is located in Starksboro on Highway 116, across the parking lot from the Starksboro Post Office.
The Food Shelf is open on the second Wednesday of each month from 9:30 until 6:30. Anyone unable to get to the Food Shelf during those hours may make an appointment to pick up groceries on Saturday following the second Wednesday by contacting one of the volunteers listed below. Food may also be obtained from the Food Shelf on an emergency basis throughout the month, though some food items normally available during the open hours may not be available in an emergency.
Making Donations
Money: Monetary donations allow us to purchase perishable food such as milk, eggs, meat and cheese. Checks should be made out to the Town of Starksboro with “Food Shelf” on the comment line. Send or drop off your check at the town office.
Food: Donations of non-perishable foods may be left in the Food Shelf drop box. The drop box is located beside the Food Shelf entrance. We appreciate receiving canned goods including soups, vegetables, fruits, pasta sauces, and prepared foods such as Chef Boyardee canned pasta meals. We also distribute dried pasta, rice mixes, condiments, mac and cheese, peanut butter, jelly and canned juices, and snack items such as granola bars. We are happy to accept pet foods.
If you have perishable foods such as meat or eggs to donate, please call the coordinator to make arrangements to drop off the items.
Home and Personal items: We can use home goods such as laundry detergent and other cleaning supplies. We also accept personal hygiene items such as soap, shampoo and tooth paste. These can be left in the drop box.
Household items: We have very limited space in the Food Shelf. We prefer that used household items such as dishes and cooking utensils be donated to other charities that are better equipped to distribute such items.
Food Shelf Coordinator
Barbara Herrington
(802) 453-6775
Other Emergency contacts
Peter Ryersbach (802) 453-3597
Diane Cota (802) 453-2064
2nd Wednesday of each month from 9:30 to 6:30