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Town of Starksboro

Public Notices

PUBLIC HEARING: Starksboro Municipal Planning Consultation

The Addison County Regional Planning Commission (ACRPC) will meet on June 4, 2024 at 5:30pm, for a public hearing with the Town of Starksboro’s Selectboard.

The meeting will take place in person with a hybrid option at the Starksboro Town Office, 2849 VT Route 116 Starksboro, VT 05487. Login credentials below.

As per 24 V.S.A. §4350, ACRPC will consult with Starksboro in regards to the municipality’s planning efforts, ascertain Starksboro’s planning needs, identify needed assistance from ACRPC and confirm that the municipality is:.

(1) is engaged in a continuing planning process that, within a reasonable time, will result in a plan that is consistent with the goals contained in section 4302 of this title;

(2) is engaged in a process to implement its municipal plan, consistent with the program for implementation required under section 4382 of this title; and

(3) is maintaining its efforts to provide local funds for municipal and regional planning purposes. 
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 843 5773 2325     Passcode: SB05487!
Dial by your location  +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 843 5773 2325   Passcode: 9489224

Questions, please call either:

Adam Lougee, Executive Director, Addison County Regional Planning Commission


Rebecca Elder, Starksboro Town Administrator, 802-578-0501

DRB Hearing 5/9/24

Jason and Heather Barnard submitted a subdivision application (24-401) for sketch plan review of a Two-Lot Subdivision located on a 11.6-acre parcel (E517L1AW.1) 4400 VT Route 17, South Starksboro.  The proposed subdivision is in the Low-Density district.  The hearing on the application will be help per Sec. 426 of the Starksboro Land Use and Development Regulations (SLUDR)

Continuation of site plan review hearing for Jennifer Austgen from March 14. 

The Starksboro Development Review Board will conduct the hearing on May 9, 2024, starting at 7p.m. at the Starksboro Town Office with remote access (info below).  The application is available to review by request of the Starksboro zoning office.

Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §§ 4464(a)(1)(C) participation in this local proceeding is prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal.

Access via Zoom: Meeting ID :878 8416 6793 Passcode: stk@drbl

Phone 1-929-436-2866 Passcode : 44885153

Date:  April 10, 2024

DRB Hearing 3/14/24

Application #24-500 is a request by Jennifer Austgen for an amendment to a previously approved subdivision (DRB #2020-DRB-01-SDA) on original home farm parcel F4171E (Book 99, pg 174) resulting in parcel F4171W. As proposed, this amendment would allow a change in location of the building envelope on “Lot 4” (parcel 4171W.3) of the subdivided property. This amendment requires site plan review and approval by the Town. The hearing review will be conducted pursuant to Sec. 424 of the Starksboro Land Use and Development Regulations. “Lot 4” is a 1.9 acre parcel with frontage on Meadow Brook Dr. in the Agricultural, Scenic, and Rural Residential (ASRP) district. Application #24-500 is available for review at the Town Office. Contact the ZA for a copy of the application.

Zoom Meeting ID: 878 8416 6793
Passcode: 44885153

Interested persons may attend or send a representative. Pursuant to 24 VSA § 4464(a)(1)(C) and 4471(a), participation in this local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal.

Nancy Boss
Zoning Administrator
Date: February 26, 2024

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Announcement

The Town of Starksboro is looking for the public’s assistance in identifying local hazards to aid in updating the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP).

As mandated by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, all municipalities are required to complete a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan every 5 years to qualify for FEMA funding should a disaster occur. The plan aids in identifying threats and hazards such as flooding, winter storms, power failures, pandemics, cyber-attacks etc. and then determine mitigation efforts that can aid municipalities in reducing risk and recovery from natural, technological, and human-caused hazards.

The Town of Starksboro has begun the plan update process and is accepting input from Starksboro residents to help identify hazards that impact your community. Please contact Rebecca Elder at or 802-453-8117 with any input or questions.  The current Local Hazard Mitigation Plan can be found on the town website for reference

Nov. 2024

Winter Parking Ban Ordinance

The winter parking ban for the Town of Starksboro takes effect on November 1 and remains in effect until May 15 of each year.

During this time period, it is illegal to leave unattended vehicles on public streets/roads.

This ban is regardless of weather conditions.

No person shall park or leave an unattended vehicle of any type on any street, town road, alley, lane, park, or public grounds in the town of Starksboro from November 1 to May 15 each year.

First offense is a written warning to owner of vehicle or left on owners’ vehicle.

Second/final offense is the vehicle shall be towed at the owner’s expense.

Owners who have a disabled vehicle or visitor(s) having to park on the public street during the “Winter Parking Ban” are asked to contact the Town of Starksboro Road Foreman to request short-term approval. Owners who have not received prior approval from the Road Foreman may be subject to a “Winter Parking Ban” violation ticket and may have their vehicles towed at the owner’s expense.

In order to be consistent, the Town of Starksboro will issue warnings for first offenses (per calendar year) to motor vehicle owners leaving their vehicles on public streets and/or public parking lots during the period of the Winter Parking Ban, even though it might not be snowing. Subsequent violations (during a calendar year) can result in the issuance of additional Winter Parking Ban violation tickets and could result in the towing of the vehicle in violation at the owner’s expense.



NOTICE OF VACANCY | August 25, 2023

In accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 961(a), the Selectboard of the Town of Starksboro hereby gives notice of a vacancy created by the resignation of Nancy Boss in the office of Selectboard member effective August 22, 2023.

The Selectboard, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 963, will make an appointment to fill this vacancy at its regular meeting on Sept. 12 or 26. Letters of interest should be sent to the Town Administrator by Sept. 7, 2023 at 4:30 pm. The person appointed will serve until a town election is had.

CITIZENS’ RIGHT TO PETITION FOR VOTE: Titles 17 V.S.A. § 2643 and 24 V.S.A. § 963 grant citizens the right to petition for a vote to replace the Selectboard’s appointee at a special town meeting. If a special town meeting is called, the newly elected town officer will remain in office for the balance of the unexpired term. If a special town meeting is not called, the Selectboard’s appointee will remain in office until the next annual town meeting.

To exercise this right, citizens must present a petition calling for an election for this office signed by five percent of the legal voters of the Town to the Town Clerk prior to the next annual Town Meeting.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION pertaining to this notice and its contents may be obtained by contacting Town Administrator Rebecca Elder at or 802-453-8117.

Dated this 25th day of August, 2023.

Koran Cousino, Selectboard Chair
John Painter, Vice Chair
Eric Cota
Carin McCarthy



July 20, 2023

 In accordance with 24 V.S.A. § 4323, the Selectboard of the Town of Starksboro hereby gives notice of a vacancy created by resignation of Jeff Keeney and Alexsys Thompson in the office of Planning Commission member effective July 7, 2023.

The Selectboard, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §4243, will make appointments to fill these vacancies. Letters of interest should be sent to the Town Administrator. The person appointed will serve until the next town election in March 2024.

Communication should be sent to or PO Box 91, Starksboro, VT 05487.

Dated this 20th day of July, 2023.

Koran Cousino, John Painter, Eric Cota, Nancy Boss, Carin McCarthy



Peggy Zeno - Minor subdivision - 12/14/2023 at 7pm at the Town Clerk's office