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Town of Starksboro

Town Clerk

The Town Clerk's Office maintains all official records and certifications, serves as the local election authority and registrar for voters, issues licenses and permits, and collects a range of fees, including for business licenses and permits and real estate transfer taxes. 

No appointments are necessary for land records research during normal office hours. If you have questions, please contact us.

Make an online payment for any municipal fees or licenses here: 

Pay Fees Online

Tax Rates

School (resident)$1.9466$1.8019
School (non-resident)$1.8063$1.7731

* Digital Land Records Available *

We have searchable digital records for all recordings from the present date and going back to December 8, 1978. Military Discharges are available for Volume 23 only – September 14, 1945, to February 28, 1965.

Please contact Town Clerk Amy McCormick with questions. 

Grand List   Land Records  

land records icon

Town Clerk

Amy McCormick | Email
Physical address: 2849 VT Route 116
Mailing address: PO Box 91

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed Fridays

Assistant Town Clerk

Amanda Vincent


Ali Thompson | Email


Norm Cota
Chuck Webber
Rich Warren